Counselling for individuals

Counselling for individuals

Counselling for individuals forms the core of our service and we have successfully worked with hundreds of clients in the last few years. Our team consists of qualified and trainee counsellors who are in their final years of training. We recognise that counselling is an incredibly important journey for all of our clients and so all of our counsellors are required to meet our high standards before they work with clients.

"My counsellor was brilliant in every way. She has given me the confidence to deal with my demons and feel a lot better in myself."


Our counsellors are experienced at working with:
• Anxiety
• Bereavement
• Bullying
• Compulsive behaviour
• Depression
• Divorce
• Identity issues
• Low self-confidence
• Low self-esteem
• Redundancy/unemployment
• Relationship difficulties
• Sexual abuse
• Stress
And much more.

"I did come to counselling at rock bottom and unable to move on. I came out strong, positive and happy."

Counselling will take place in our Weston-super-Mare branch or via phone or online, whichever is more convenient for you. Counselling will take place at the same time every week. To help you to fit counselling in around your current commitments we are able to offer morning, afternoon and evening appointments. In some circumstances we may be able to offer counselling on a Saturday. If you would prefer to see someone on a Saturday please discuss it with us during your assessment.

There is a charge for our individual counselling which is graduated according to your income and individual needs. Our fees for range from £15-35 and how much you will pay will be discussed at your assessment. There is a £10 charge for the assessment.

For more information or to book an assessment please contact us and one of our team will be happy to discuss your needs.

"I had been wishing to be happy and my counsellor helped that wish to come true!"

Online and Telephone Counselling

There's plenty of research which has shown that online and telephone counselling is just as effective as meeting your counsellor in person, so it is ideal for anyone who would struggle to come to one of our offices. Our process for online or telephone counselling is exactly the same accessing our other services. All you need to do is contact us to book an initial assessment, which will take place on the phone. We will email you a couple of forms that need to be signed and returned to us, and then you will be allocated to the most suitable counsellor. The counsellor will contact you to book your first session.

The fees for online and telephone counselling are based on income and range from £20-35 per session. Sessions are held weekly and last for 50-minutes.